The DNA-directed RNA polymerase from the extremely thermophilic eubacterium Thermus thermophilus HB8 was purified employing a new and rapid method. The subunit pattern of the enzyme, analyzed by SDS gel electrophoresis, was interpreted as: 140 kDa and 170 kDa for p and /l', 40 kDa for CI and 92 kDa for u. The RNA polymerase is active at elevated temperatures (65°C). Kinetic data provide evidence for the existence of two NTP binding sites with very strong cooperativity. The promoter site specificity of the isolated enzyme has been proven by in vitro transcription employing two T. thermophilus templates whose in viva starts of transcription were characterized by nuclease S1 mapping.The properties of RNA polymerases derived from eubacterial and archaebacterial sources have been reviewed [l]. A large-scale preparative method employing four chromatography steps has been described for the isolation of the RNA polymerase from Thermus thermophilus [2]. The method yielded two kinds of RNA polymerase with different properties.Eubacterial RNA polymerases display a strongly conserved subunit composition and can be isolated as a holoenzyme (~~' c I~) o and as a core enzyme which lacks the u subunit. The different subunits have molecular masses of the following ranges: p and p' 140-190 kDa; CI about 40 kDa; cr in Gram-positive bacteria of 40-60 kDa or of about 70-90 kDa in Gram-negative bacteria. Recent results provided direct evidence that the u subunit is responsible for promoter site selection and that the factor dissociates after initiation of RNA synthesis [3]. The fact that different 0 subunits switch on specific sets of genes during the sporulation process of Bacillus subtilis further emphasizes the keyrole of the u subunit in transcriptional initiation [4].As part of this project, we reported before on the organization of rDNA in T. thermophilus and its regulatory elements governing transcription [5 -91. Here we present a new method for the isolation of the RNA polymerase and describe some properties of the enzyme.
MaterialsEnzymes and molecular mass marker proteins were purchased from Boehringer Mannheim, Pharmacia and Bethesda Research Laboratories. Radioactive nucleotides were from Amersham. Calf thymus DNA, spermidine [N-(3-aminopropyl)-l,4-butanediamine], polymin P (polyethylenimine), ampicillin and chloramphenicol were purchased from Sigma.
Thermine [N,N'-bis( 3 -aminopropyl)-1,3-diaminopropane] wasCorrespondence to V. A. Erdmann, Freie Universitat Berlin, lnstitut fur Biochemie, Thielallee 63, D-1000 Berlin 33Enzymes. Restriction endonucleases BamHI and SmaI (EC; DNA-directed RNA polymerase (EC Aldrich. Microdialysis of samples (representing Superose 12 or Mono Q fractions) for SDS gel electrophoresis was performed employing Millipore VFPF filters. Trichloroacetic-acid-precipitated nucleic acids were collected on Whatman GF/A filters.
MethodsThermus thermophilus HB8 (ATCC 27634) cells were grown at 70 -75 "C in medium D, as described previously [lo], supplemented pe...