Adenoviral vectors are widely used as highly efficient gene transfer vehicles in a variety of biological research strategies including human gene therapy. One of the limitations of the currently available adenoviral vector system is the presence of the majority of the viral genome in the vector, resulting in leaky expression ofviral genes particularly at high multiplicity of infection and limited cloning capacity of exogenous sequences. As a first step to overcome this problem, we attempted to rescue a defective human adenovirus serotype 5 DNA, which had an essential region of the viral genome (Li, L2, VAI + II, pTP) deleted and replaced with an indicator gene. In the presence of wild-type adenovirus as a helper, this DNA was packaged and propagated as transducing viral particles. After several rounds of amplification, the titer of the recombinant virus reached at least 4 x 106 transducing particles per ml. The recombinant virus could be partially purified from the helper virus by CsCl equilibrium density-gradient centrifugation. The structure of the recombinant virus around the marker gene remained intact after serial propagation, while the pBR sequence inserted in the El region was deleted from the recombinant virus. Our results suggest that it should be possible to develop a helperdependent adenoviral vector, which does not encode any viral proteins, as an alternative to the currently available adenoviral vector systems.For several reasons, adenoviruses are attracting increasing attention as expression vectors, especially for human gene therapy (1). First, the virion is relatively stable and can be prepared as a high titer stock (2109 plaque-forming units/ml without purification). Second, adenoviruses can infect nonreplicating cells. Finally, adenovirus vectors have been extensively exploited in vaccine development and proven safe in humans. The current adenovirus vectors have deletions in the El and/or E3 regions, because El proteins can be complemented in 293 cells, the E3 region is dispensable for growth of the virus in cultured cells, and all the other essential viral proteins are encoded in the vector itself. While the lower packaging limit of adenovirus is unknown, the upper packaging limit of adenovirus serotype 5 (Ad5) is -38 kb (2). As a result, vectors with deletions of El and E3 sequences (6 kb deleted in total) have a capacity for inserts of up to -8 kb (25