The remarkable reconstruction of the role of government in the PRC since 1978 has required an overhaul of its public finance system. The process of fiscal reform, however, is still not complete. 1 An earlier version of this chapter was published as EAI Background Brief No. 1599, 9 July 2021, East Asian Institute, National University of Singapore. I thank Andrew Podger for excellent editorial suggestions. All remaining errors are my sole responsibility. DILEMMAS IN PUBLIC MANAGEMENT IN GREATER CHINA AND AUSTRALIA 198revenues and install mechanisms for controlling local government debt. Significant progress has since been made, including in financial reporting and transparency.Tax reform however has not been nearly so successful and little progress has been made on intergovernmental fiscal reform. As a result, instead of the intended move towards more equal standards of public services, recent developments favour the rich provinces and the fiscal position of local governments has deteriorated. Local fiscal problems have also begun to depress social spending, threatening to undermine the government's goals of improving public services and rebalancing the economy towards consumption.