This work is a floristic study of Selaginella in Maranhão. The species survey is based on collections from fieldwork conducted between April 2006 and February 2023 and specimens from Maranhão deposited at the CCAA, HBRA, MG, and SLUI herbaria. Ten species were identified: Selaginella conduplicata, S. convoluta, S. erythropus, S. flagellata, S. gynostachya S. marginata, S. minima, S. radiata, S. simplex, and S. sulcata. We report the first record of S. gynostachya for Maranhão and the Cerrado domain in Brazil. Until now, this species was only known from areas of Amazonia. We provide a map with records, an identification key, and comments about the identification and geographic distribution of Selaginella species in Maranhão state. For the new record, we also provide photos.