The relative rates of hydride addition to the carbonyl group of the conformationally fixed bridged biaryl ketone, 1, and its R derivatives bearing methyl, methylthio, methoxy, chloro, and fluoro substituents in axial-like and equatorial-like orientations have been measured for three different reactions. The derived rate constants were partitioned, on the basis of diastereoselectivity, to provide reactivities for each face antiperiplanar to the axial substituents and anticlinal to the equatorial substituents. These face reactivities gave reasonably linear correlations with the inductive substituent parameter, σ I . The strength of the inductive effects as indicated by the slopes of the Taft plots were large and positive, small and positive, and negative for the reductions involving lithium aluminum hydride, sodium borohydride, and triethylsilane, respectively. The substituent effects on face reactivity and their stereodependencies failed to follow either the theory of Cieplak or that of Anh. The major influences of substituents can be explained on the basis of throughbond interactions with the transition state and the differences between axial and equatorial effects on electrostatic (through-space) interactions with the transition state.