Anaerobic mitochondrial metabolism of ␣-ketoglutarate and aspartate or ␣-ketoglutarate and malate can prevent and reverse severe mitochondrial dysfunction during reoxygenation after 60 minutes of hypoxia in kidney proximal tubules. 34 The present studies demonstrate that, during hypoxia, paxillin, focal adhesion kinase, and p130 cas migrated faster by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, their phosphotyrosine (pY) content decreased to ϳ5% of that in oxygenated tubules without changes in total protein, and the normally basal immunostaining of 1 and ␣6 integrin subunits, pY, and paxillin was lost or markedly decreased. During reoxygenation without supplemental substrates, recovery of pY and basal localization of the focal adhesion proteins was poor. ␣-Ketoglutarate and aspartate, which maintained slightly higher levels of ATP during hypoxia, also maintained 2.5-fold higher levels of pY during this period, and promoted full recovery of pY content and basal localization of focal adhesion proteins during subsequent reoxygenation. Similarly complete recovery was made possible by provision of ␣-ketoglutarate and aspartate or ␣-ketoglutarate and malate only during reoxygenation. These data emphasize the importance of very low energy thresholds for maintaining the integrity of key structural and biochemical components required for cellular survival and reaffirm the value of approaches aimed at conserving or generating energy in cells injured by hypoxia or ischemia. Ischemic and related forms of acute renal failure result from a complex interplay of vascular and tubular events that can vary in their relative contributions depending on characteristics of the specific clinical situation or experimental model. Although the process is frequently also termed acute tubular necrosis, much of the tubule cell damage in both animal models and human acute renal failure is sublethal and reversible within affected cells. [1][2][3][4][5][6] Effects on multiple subcellular structures have been described including loss of brush border microvilli and simplification of the basolateral membrane, 1-3 disruption of the normal polar distribution of major membrane-associated proteins including Na ϩ ,K ϩ -ATPase and its associated cytoskeletal proteins, 7,8 disruption of tight junctions and adherens junctions, 5,9 -13 and abnormalities of integrin distribution and function, 14 -19 all of which can contribute to impaired barrier function and vectorial transport by the epithelium. ATP depletion and the resulting protein dephosphorylation 10 -13,20,21 are the primary processes initiating these events.Proximal tubules have relatively little or no glycolytic capacity making them dependent on mitochondrial metabolism for ATP synthesis. 22,23 Freshly isolated proximal tubules rapidly develop lethal damage when subjected to hypoxia or other ATP-depleting maneuvers, 24 -27 which has limited their utility for studying reversible structural and metabolic alterations. This situation has improved with recognition that much of their se...