We have used small subunit rRNA gene sequences to determine the phylogenetic relationships of species in three genera of endosymbiotic ciliates. We have confirmed that the astome Anoplophrya marylandensis is related to ciliates in the Class Oligohymenophorea, supporting the view that astomes are derived from hymenostome-like ancestors. We confirmed that Plaglotoma lumbrici, formerly considered to be a heterotrich, is a stichotrich spirotrich ciliate most closely related to Paraurostyla weissei in this analysis. Thus, the somatic polykinetids of Plagiotoma can be concluded to be cirri. We report the details of our isolation of Nyctotheroides deslierresae and Nyctotheroides parvus and confirm previous reports that these clevelandellids are related to the metopid and caenomorphid ciliates, now placed in the Class Armophorea.