A denitrifying biocathode in a microbial fuel cell was developed to investigate the replacement of the costly Pt-coated abiotic cathodes for electricity generation. The denitrifying biocathode was sandwiched between the dual-anode systems. The study investigated the performance for simultaneous treatment of wastewater on the anode, biological denitrification on the cathode and the potential recovery of electrical energy. Autotrophic biofilms performed denitrification on the cathode using supplied electrons by the biodegradation of organics on the anode. Graphite granules were used as electrodes for biofilm attachment, and nafion membranes were used as separators between electrodes. The system achieved a volumetric power of 7 ± 0.4 W m -3 net cathodic compartment (NCC) with the simultaneous removal of 229.5 ± 18 mg L -1 COD on anode and 88.9 g m -3NCC day -1 nitrogen on cathode, respectively. The columbic efficiency for cathodic and anodic reactions was 98.9 ± 0.57 and 23.54 ± 0.87 %, respectively. This is a combined study for domestic wastewater treatment and biological denitrification in a compact MFC reactor.Further optimization of the system is desired to improve its performance and applicability.