In 2005, the first facial vascularized composite allotransplant was performed in France. In May 2018, our team at Maisonneuve-Rosemont Hospital, Montreal, Quebec, had the privilege to participate in the first facial transplant in Canada. Interdisciplinary collaboration, coordination, and communication formed the cornerstone of this medical undertaking and, ultimately, its success. This report details the anesthetic and organizational considerations of our experience.Résumé En 2005, la premie`re allogreffe de tissu composite vascularise´e faciale e´tait re´alise´e en France. En mai 2018, notre e´quipe a`l'Hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont, a`Montre´al, au Que´bec, a eu le privile`ge de participer a`la premie`re greffe faciale au Canada. La collaboration, la coordination et la communication interdisciplinaires ont constitue´les pierres angulaires de ce projet me´dical et, ultimement, de son succe`s. Ce compte-rendu de´taille les conside´rations anesthe´siques et organisationnelles de notre expe´rience.