Dissertação (Mestrado) : IGc/USP Orient.: Sant'Anna, Lucy Gomes 1.Gasolina 2.Argila 3.Adsorção 4.Absorção I. Título À Carol e nosso bebê. Interação entre gasolina e argilominerais esmectíticos i
ResumoDados da CETESB revelam que a comercialização de derivados do petróleo na Cidade de São Paulo, em especial a gasolina, tem gerado um número significativo de casos de vazamento de combustíveis, causados pela falta de manutenção de equipamentos, deterioração de tanques e tubulações, e falhas operacionais decorrentes do despreparo dos profissionais que atuam nesses estabelecimentos.ii Nicolas do Nascimento Varzacacou Abstract Data from the Environmental Agency of São Paulo State (Company of Environmental Sanitation Technology -CETESB) reveal that the commercialization of petroleum products in the city, especially gasoline, has generated a high number of fuel leakages and contaminated areas.The urban area of São Paulo city is underlain by the Cenozoic sedimentary deposits of the São Paulo Basin. In this basin, smectite-rich mudstone of the Resende Formation is widely distributed and comprises over 80% of the sedimentary filling.The aim of this study was to investigate the interaction of smectite-rich mudstone of the Resende Formation with hydrocarbons in the São Paulo Basin. The sorption and desorption of common hydrocarbons, such as gasoline, benzene, toluene and xylene, by the smectitic clay minerals, in the context of vadose zone, were investigated in laboratory.Three representative subsurface samples of mudstone were collected in the east part of São Paulo city and characterized by granulometry, X-ray analysis and CHN determination. Swelling test with gasoline and pure organic compounds does not promote absorption in the three studied samples.Adsorption and desorption tests were employed to characterize the interaction between the hydrocarbons and the whole-rock, silt-and clay-fractions of the mudstone in different time intervals of contact (30 minutes to 32 days). The results revealed the adsorption as the main interaction mechanism.Variations in concentration of contaminants in different time intervals of contact indicated a dynamic interaction between sample and hydrocarbons, existing phases with distinct amounts of organics adsorbed (or retained after desorption). Theses phases are controlled by the time of contact and are independent of samples granulometry and mineralogy, and contaminant type.The three mudstone samples adsorb about the same amount of each contaminant, which is due to their overall granulometric and mineralogic homogeneity. Nevertheless, minor and local changes in sample composition (granulometry and mineralogy) cause a small scale variation in the amounts of each contaminant adsorbed as a result either of clay proportion in the whole-rock and of the predominant clay mineral in the clay fraction.
Interação entre gasolina e argilominerais esmectíticosiii Agradecimentos A minha companheira, e meu grande amor Carol, e nosso bebê que vêm por ai, por me proporcionar essa oportunidade, e sempre me ap...