This paper analyzes the performance of Brazilian sawnwood and wood-based panels from 1961 to 1999. Two steps are pursued: first, the evolution of sawnwood and wood-based panels and their insertion in intemational trade were analyzed. Second, an simultaneous econometric model of supply and demand of these products were built. The criteria used to choose the dependent variables in this model was the analysis of the theoretic models of trade balance adjustment and the evaluation of applied papers about the Brazilian exports of industrial goods. The econometric model was built in order to permit the analysis of conifer sawnwood, non-conifer sawnwood and wood-based panels exports separately. The equations of conifer sawnwood exports were estimated for two periods: from 1961 to 1987 and from 1988 to 1999. These exports decreased during the first period and raised in the second one. The inflexion on export curve was evaluated econometrically, using a polygonal adjustment mode!. However, the econometric results for the two set of conifer sawnwood export equations were not satisfactory. Otherwise, the estimations of non-conifer sawnwood export equations showed satisfactory results. The export offer is sensible to price fluctuations. The low value of income-elasticity of export demand and the negative signal of production variable in supply curve were explained by the difficult of trading xi news species of sawnwood in international markets and the environrnental restrictions that have happened in some importing countries. The wood-based panels supply is priceelastic and also it is very sensible to domestic demand fluctuations. The Iow value of the income-elasticity of demand for these products is explained by the difficult of Brazil in enlarging its share in international markets of wood-based panels. At the end, this paper concludes that both supply and demand factors are important in the determination of the Brazilian sawnwood and wood-based panels exports, during the time period from 1961 to 1999. Therefore, the hypothesis of small country and consequent1y an infrnitely price-elasticity demand curve are not appropriate to analyze the export of these products in Brazil.