To evaluate the eff ect of diff erent sizes of load parti cles and diff erent storage ti mes on the surface microhardness of three estheti c restorati ve composites. Method: Sixty disc-shaped specimens (5 mm diameter and 2 mm high) were fabricated and divided into 6 groups (n=10) according to the evaluated resin: Filtek Z350 (3M/ESPE), with medium-sized parti cles classifi ed as nanoparti culate; Filtek Z250 (3M/ESPE), with medium-sized parti cles classifi ed as micro-hybrid; and Durafi ll (Heraeus-Kulzer), with medium-sized parti cles classifi ed as microparti culate. The specimens were stored in disti lled water for 24 h and 60 days (37ºC) and, aft er each storage period, they were subjected to the microhardness test using a Vickers indenter during 45 s using a 50 g load. The results (VHN) were subjected to stati sti cal analysis by ANOVA and Tukey's test (α=0.05). Results: In the 24-hour period, the mean values (±SD) presented by the tested resins were: Filtek Z250-64.46 (±3.30); Filtek Z350-59.60 (±3.42); and Durafi ll-21.69 (±2.39). Aft er 60-day storage, the mean values (±SD) presented by the tested resins were: Filtek Z250-71.07 (±6.38); Filtek Z350-47.63 (±4.42); and Durafi ll-23.72 (±3.50). There was stati sti cally signifi cant diff erence between groups II, III, V and VI (p<0.005). However, groups I and II did not diff er signifi cantly from each other, but were signifi cantly diff erent from the other groups. Conclusion: The storage in disti lled water and the size of the load parti cles can have infl uence on the surface microhardness of estheti c composite resins.