BITTENCOURT, M. A. C. Elaboration of an instructional video for nursing students about the care of pregnant women who use alcohol and other drugs in Primary Health Care. 2023. 134f. Dissertation (Professional Master's Program in Health Education: Interdisciplinary Teacher Training for the Unified Health System (SUS)) – Fluminense Federal University, Niterói, 2023. Consumption and abuse of alcohol and other drugs during pregnancy constitute one of the most frequent psychiatric disorders during pregnancy. From the assumption of the existence of gaps related to the training of nurses on this subject, a research problem emerged: Are nursing students clearly prepared to act, in primary care, to pregnant women who use alcohol and other drugs? The objective was: to produce a video, as a teaching strategy, to help preceptors and professors in promoting the development of competences of nursing students on primary care for pregnant women who use alcohol and other drugs in CAPS AD; identify gaps in knowledge about the skills of nursing students for nursing care for pregnant women; bring nursing students closer to the subject in question, bringing to reflection the relevance of nurses' work with pregnant women who use alcohol and other drugs and bringing up the discussion about the demands of this population and the possibilities of nursing actions in the adequate care of pregnant users of alcohol and drugs in primary care. As a method, action research was used, a case study, with an exploratory, descriptive and qualitative approach. The research subjects were 07 professionals from the multidisciplinary team of a Psychosocial Care Center for alcohol and drugs (CAPS Ad) in the city of Nova Friburgo, RJ and 05 nursing students who use this health device as a clinical internship field. Data collection took place from an interview with professionals and the application of a questionnaire to nursing students. The following results were obtained: the data were developed in Bardin's thematic perspective and grouped into 03 categories of analysis: Living with a pregnant woman who used alcohol and drugs; Assistance to pregnant women who use alcohol and drugs by health services and experiencing the constructed strategy - instructional video. This study shows that health professionals have a gap in their academic training on adequate training related to the care of pregnant women who use alcohol and other drugs. With regard to nursing students, this fact was also evidenced, as they revealed that the approach to this subject in training was superficial and general. In addition, they also mentioned that they did not feel prepared to work professionally in assisting these pregnant women. The need to produce a didactic-pedagogical tool was evidenced to assist in the teaching-learning process in the training of nurses.