Water is the main source for life and also the most severe substance caused by pollution. The mandatory parameters for determining microbiological quality of drinking water are total non-fecal Coliform bacteria and Coliform fecal (Escherichia coli). Coliform bacteria are a group of microorganisms commonly used as indicators, where these bacteria can be a signal to determine whether a water source has been contaminated by bacteria or not, while fecal Coliform bacteria are indicator bacteria polluting pathogenic bacteria originating from human feces and warm-blooded animals (mammals) . The water inspection method in this study uses the MPN (Most Probable Number) method which consists of 3 tests, namely, the presumption test, the affirmation test, and the reinforcement test. The results showed that of 15 drinking water samples 8 samples were tested positive for Coliform bacteria with the highest total bacterial value of sample number 1, 15 (210/100 ml), while 7 other samples were negative. From 8 positive Coliform samples only 1 sample was stated to be negative fecal Coliform bacteria and 7 other samples were positive for Coliform fecal bacteria with the highest total bacterial value of sample number 1 (210/100 ml).