The presence of adolescents with immigrant backgrounds in Spain is a structural phenomenon with major implications and challenges for intergroup coexistence. The purpose of this study is to analyse the possible existence of psychosocial profiles in these adolescents. Using latent class cluster models (LCCM), profiles were identified where these adolescents can be situated according to their responses to variables related to acculturation (preferences, perceptions, identity) and adaptation (life satisfaction and school adjustment), using sex, ethnocultural group, place of birth and perceived discrimination as covariates. Participants were 683 adolescents with immigrant backgrounds between the ages of 12 and 19 (56% girls) enrolled in public secondary schools in five provinces in Spain. The results show the existence of three psychosocial profiles (bicultural, ethnic and national), with national being the least common. Even though the bicultural profile (orientation towards both cultures) is the most adaptive, positive results were found with all three profiles, which indicates a moderate adaptive acculturation process.
RESUMENLa presencia de adolescentes de origen inmigrante en España es un fenómeno estructural con importantes implicaciones y retos para la convivencia intergrupal. El objetivo del estudio es analizar la posible existencia de perfiles psicosociales en estos adolescentes. Utilizando modelos de clústeres de clases latentes (MCCL), se identificarán perfiles en los que situarlos en función de sus respuestas a variables de aculturación (preferencias, percepciones, identidad), y adaptación (satisfacción con la vida y ajuste escolar), utilizando como covariables sexo, grupo etnocultural, lugar de nacimiento y discriminación percibida. Participaron 683 adolescentes de origen inmigrante (56% chicas), con edades entre 12 y 19 años, matriculados/as en centros públicos de educación secundaria de cinco provincias españolas. Los resultados muestran la existencia de tres perfiles psicosociales (bicultural, étnico y nacional), siendo minoritario el nacional. A pesar de que el ARTICLE HISTORY