The increase of the medical prescription in the elderly population represents a problem that requires appropriate intervention. It usually entails a risk for patient morbidity and frequent hospital admissions.Objective: To determine the prevalence of polypharmacy and its interactions in older adults in primary care in Mexicali during 2016.Methods: Observational, longitudinal, descriptive and retrospective study, in older patients with polypharmacy attending the Family Medicine Unit (UMF) No.28 of Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS), through the collection and analysis of data obtained from medical records from 384 elderly patients.
Results:The mean patient age was 71.2 years; majority were female (65.75%). The prevalence of polypharmacy in the study group was 34.83%. Patients were, on average, prescribed 7.5 medications by their primary care physician. The number of drug interactions averaged 3.8 per patient. Moderate interactions (847) were the most predominant in our study, although all types of severity were found (518 mild, 72 severe). Kidneys were the main organs at risk of injury.