Now a day, Mexico is looking the way to generate electricity by using renewable, clean and ecofriendly sources according the actual legal framework. This project is a meteorological portable station which will record either direction and speed of wind, light irradiation and environment air temperature in a data logger unit conformed by a microprocessor and a memory. The data recorded in the device will be mathematically analyzed and processed in a delimited period of time and plotted on different type of graphs or documents for to support feasibilities studies which could identify the power potential of photovoltaic energy and wind energy in the city of Altamira Tamaulipas. The main goal of this project is contribute with actual studies which will determine the feasibility of energy generation by using clean energy sources in the south part of our state promoting the development of energy power industry, mainly in the city of Altamira. Objectives: To build a portable meteorological station and to carry out a study of the measurement of the photovoltaic and wind energy exploitation potential in Tamaulipas, Altamira region, based on the data of the environmental variables measured and collected during a certain time, to determine the viability of generation electricity through wind and solar resource in this region. Methodology: In order to carry out the evaluation of the photovoltaic and wind energy potential measurement in Tamaulipas, Altamira region, a customized portable weather station module will be manufactured, to perform measurements of wind speed, wind direction measurements, temperature measurements, and irradiation measurements, at the site of interest. In addition, a system will be installed to register all the variables described in a micro SD memory and a communication system through a bluetooth module. This portable weather station will be installed, at the top of the library building of the Polytechnic University of Altamira. The exact geographical location is shown by means of Google Maps with a Latitude 22.462239 and longitude: -97.970186 (Google, 2018). Contribution: Provide information on the meteorological variables of our environment, adding a solar panel that demonstrates its viability. Implement an interface that allows constant monitoring and the different measurements made at the meteorological station, using sensors and microntrollers.