The Normal Schools, teachers' trainers par excellence and tradition in Mexico, over the years, have been transforming not only their physical structure, but also the ways in which they develop learning, through curricula more adapted to the social, academic and cultural reality of our country. From the founding of the first school for teachers at the beginning of the last century, to the teacher training institutions that we have today, the changes have been numerous with regard to the paradigms and educational theories that have been driven for the development of content. However, despite these changes, many teachers teaching in the Teaching Schools continue to use conceptualizations, forms of work and evaluation more oriented to traditional teaching approaches. In 10 years the educational programs of the Normals have been developed and updated, more than in the last 30 years. The results presented in this article are product of quantitative research with descriptive scope. With a population sample of 35 teachers from the Normal Schools of southern Sonora.