A constant supply of feed is critical for the sustainability of cattle and buffalo ranching. Therefore, this study aims to collect data on the availability of feed made from agricultural waste to aid in the expansion of cattle and buffalo populations in the West Aceh District. It was conducted in September and October 2021 at Aceh Barat District. The secondary data were collected through the website of the Central Bureau of Statistics Indonesia and West Aceh. Furthermore, feed potential data from agricultural waste were collected from West Aceh District, cattle, and buffalo population data from the 2011 collection for buffalos, beef, and dairy cattle (PSPK). Also, cattle and buffalo population data were collected from the 2016 Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS). The data collected were then analyzed descriptively. The results showed that the West Aceh District provides only digested dry weight (BKC) from agricultural waste to meet 74.27% of the livestock population’s total BKC requirements. Additionally, only Woyla and West Woyla Sub-districts meet feed needs from agricultural waste, with 135.12% and 266.42%, respectively, based on livestock populations. Conclusively, the growth of the livestock population will result in a decrease in agricultural waste’s carrying capacity as animal feed.