This research has a special problem in considering how much influence innovation management has on technological innovation, customer satisfaction on customer loyalty, as well as the impact of technological innovation and customer loyalty on corporate performance and corporate sustainability. The aim is that PT. Go-Jek Indonesia can consider things that can maintain corporate sustainability in a business context. This research uses quantitative research methods as its research method by distributing questionnaires to Go-Jek users who will later provide their views on PT. Gojek Indonesia. Researchers found that there is a close relationship between all variables and corporate sustainability directly and indirectly. This illustrates theoretically that maintaining innovation and customer perspective with good intentions will have an impact on the corporate's sustainability in the long term or the sustainability of PT. Gojek Indonesia. The research concludes that technological innovation, innovation management, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, and organizational performance allsignificantly and positively impact PT. Gojek Indonesia’s sustainability. The findings emphasize the need for PT. Gojek Indonesia to prioritize these variables to ensure the corporate's long-term sustainability and success.