Ambon City is the capital of Maluku Province. The rapid growth of transportation facilities in Ambon City has resulted in traffic problems such as traffic accidents. This study aims to model the probability of four-wheeled vehicle accidents. Factors reviewed in this study include socioeconomic and travel patterns, driving equipment and preparation, driving habits, and driving behavior. The survey was conducted using interview and questionnaire survey methods with a total of 127 respondents who had experienced an accident. The research method used is data analysis using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) using SmartPLS software. Result of accident modeling Y=‒0.203X1+(‒0.179X2)+0.214X3+0.536X4. The first biggest influence on the chance of an accident is driving behavior characteristics (X4) is driving under the influence of alcohol (X4.7). The more often you drive under the influence of alcohol, the higher the chance of an accident. Thus, when a driver drives its vehicle under the influence of alcohol, the higher the chance that the driver will have a traffic accident. So that there is a need for cooperation between the police and related parties in dealing with accidents and reducing the risk of traffic accidents such as providing socialization or information, through newspapers or electronic media to the people in Ambon City regarding the importance of increasing awareness of driving safety