“…The results of the study related to the frequency of incomplete filling of important reporting showed results that were in line with Indarti and Agustia's research 15 showing that the results of a quantitative analysis of important reporting of medical record documents at RSGM Nala Husada were 84% complete and 16% incomplete. Other supporting research, namely research by Yanti and Yulianti 16 showed that the completeness of filling in the summary form of entry and exit on the patient reporting component of cases of the Internal Medicine Polyclinic had not been completed, namely the disease diagnosis item, disease code, disease history, date of admission, condition out, the action taken and the action code where the incomplete percentage of each item is 16% incomplete and 84% complete. the highest incompleteness was found in the exit date and payment method items, namely 22% incomplete and 78% complete.…”