Latar belakang: Pemenuhan kebutuhan pangan asal ternak yang berasal dari unggas memiliki angka konsumsi yang cukup tinggi salah satunya yaitu ayam broiler. Untuk memenuhi tingginya permintaan terhadap ayam broiler pada pakandiberifeed additiveserta antibiotic growth promotor (AGP) dalam bentuk antibiotik untuk mempercepat pertumbuhan dan daya tahan tubuh. Pemanfaatan antibiotik yang tidak bijak akan menimbulkan residu antibiotik serta resistensi Escherichia coli penghasil Extended Spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL).Metode: Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian deskriptif. Data primer diperoleh dari hasil screeningtest. Data ditunjukkan dalam tabel dangambar yang dibahas secara deskriptif. Variabel yang diamati residu antibiotik tetrasiklin serta E. coli penghasil ESBL pada daging ayam broiler.Hasil: Temuan terhadap residu antibiotik tetrasiklin pada daging ayam broiler yaitu sebesar 7,14% dengan rerata zona hambat 12,13 mm, sedangkan hasil identifikasi E. coli penghasil ESBL pada daging ayam broiler diperoleh hasil sebesar 71,4%.Simpulan:Residu antibiotik tetrasiklin dalam daging ayam broiler masih tergolong aman dapat dikonsumsi namun, temuanE. coli penghasil ESBL pada daging ayam broiler menimbulkan masalah kesehatan, baik bagi kesehatan hewan maupun manusia, serta dapat menimbulkan resistensi terhadap antibiotik. ABSTRACT Title: Broiler Chicken Meat Sold at Purwokerto's Market Has Antibiotic Residues and Escherichia Coli That Produces EsblBackground: Poultry, of which broiler chickens are one example, is a food source with a relatively high consumption rate.Feed additives and antibiotic growth promoters (AGP) in the form of antibiotics in the ration are given to increase broilers’ growth and endurance to meet the high demand for them. It is important to note that unwise antibiotic use results in the buildup of antibiotic residues and resistance to the Extended Spectrum Beta-lactamase(ESBL)produced by Escherichia coli bacterium.Method: To collect primary data for this descriptive study, the screening test results were employed as a starting point. Next, the information was presented in the form of tables and figures.Result: According to this study, broiler chickens had a tetracycline residue of 7.14 percent, with an inhibitory zone mean of 12.13 mm, and 71.4 percent of ESBL-producing E. coli.Conclusion:According to the study, broiler chicken meat with tetracycline residue is still safe to consume. E. coli, which is known to develop an antibiotic-resistant strain of E. coli ESBL) can cause serious health problems in both humans and animals.