Residential is a place to live or everything related to a place to live and in a narrow sense can be interpreted as a residential area or residential building. In connection with the quality of residential facilities, employee satisfaction is an important aspect in improving the quality of the provided residential facilities. If the satisfaction of the residential facilities provided to employees is not met, the employees will feel uncomfortable and will sue the plantation of PTPN IV Marjandi Unit. Analyze the level of employee satisfaction with the quality of the residential provided by the plantation to its employees is The purpose of this study. One of the efforts to find out the satisfaction of employees of residential facilities is to use the C4.5 algorithm classification, where Dataset is obtained through the Questionnaire technique that will be given to employees at PTPN IV Marjandi Unit. As for the satisfaction of employees of residential facilities in terms of aspects (1) water facilities, (2) electricity facilities, (3) kitchen conditions, (4) bedroom conditions, (5) toilet conditions in dwellings inhabited by PTPN IV Unit plantation employees Marjandi. Data processing is assisted using Microsoft Excel software and to validate study data using a rapidminer tool. It is hoped that this research can provide solutions or become a reference for plantations to improve the quality of residential facilities provided to PTPN IV Marjandi Unit employees..