The CGHS black hole has a spectrum and temperature that corresponds to an accelerated reflecting boundary condition in flat spacetime. The beta coefficients are identical to a moving mirror model where the acceleration is exponential in laboratory time. The center and the event horizon of the black hole are at the same location modeled by the perfectly reflecting regularity condition that red-shifts the field modes. In addition to computing the energy flux, we find the corresponding parameter associated with the black hole mass and the cosmological constant in the gravitational analog system. Generalized to any mirror trajectory we derive the self-force (Lorentz-Abraham-Dirac) and express it and the power (Larmor) in connection with entanglement entropy, inviting an interpretation of acceleration radiation in terms of information flow. The mirror self-force and radiative power are applied to the particular CGHS black hole analog moving mirror which reveals the physics of information at the horizon during asymptotic approach to thermal equilibrium.