An international cooperation, named Brasil-Japan Collaboration of Chacaltaya Emulsion Chamber Experiment (B-J Collaboration) exposed 2.35 × 108 m2.s, during the period 15thJun, 1962 till 10thMay, 1988. It corresponds to 22 'runs' on Cosmic Rays and in this figure are not included photosensitive material set in the lower part of the two-storied emulsion chamber. Although 3 more 'runs' occurred after 1988, they were not included either, because they were not yet properly measured and because they contain mixed Japanese and Russian films. Chacaltaya Mountain was firstly used in 1947 for 2 meson observations and π - μ decays. It was a wise choice not only for these observations but also for the B-J Collaboration and for the Alpaca Project, running at neighbouring sites. The main results observed by the B-J Collaboration are presented.