“…As for the aerodynamic upward force value, 50 N was applied at 300 km/h for pantograph A as the standard value for current commercial vehicles, and 35 N at 300 km/h for pantograph B [11], furthermore, it was assumed that the aerodynamic upward force increases in proportion to the square of the speed. In addition, it was supposed that the flow speed in tunnel sections is 1.2 times that of open sections, therefore the aerodynamic upward force coefficient in tunnel sections is 1.2 2 times that of open sections. Although the number of pantographs on a train set is assumed to be two in case of pantograph A, and one in the case of pantograph B, current collection performance was evaluated for the 1st pantograph, since the target of T T T T T T T T Table able able able able 2 2 6.3 Relationship between items used for evaluation of 6.3 Relationship between items used for evaluation of 6.3 Relationship between items used for evaluation of 6.3 Relationship between items used for evaluation of 6.3 Relationship between items used for evaluation of current collection performance and installation error current collection performance and installation error current collection performance and installation error current collection performance and installation error current collection performance and installation error indices indices indices indices indices…”