RoboCup is an international scientific robot competition in which teams of multiple robots compete against each other. Its different leagues provide many sources of robotics data, that can be used for further analysis and application of machine learning. This paper describes a large dataset from games of some of the top teams (from 2016 and 2017) in RoboCup Soccer Simulation League (2D), where teams of 11 robots (agents) compete against each other. Overall, we used 10 different teams to play each other, resulting in 45 unique pairings. For each pairing, we ran 25 matches (of 10 mins), leading to 1125 matches or more than 180 hours of game play. The generated CSV files are 17 GB of data (zipped), or 229 GB (unzipped). The dataset is unique in the sense that it contains both the ground truth data (global, complete, noise-free information of all objects on the field), as well as the noisy, local and incomplete percepts of each robot. These data are made available as CSV files, as well as in the original soccer simulator formats.