This paper proposes a transformer‐less high step‐down converter (TLHSC) with battery integration. The converter functions as a versatile three‐port converter, with an integration of battery, and offers a wide range of step‐down conversions. This work presents the operational modes along with the steady‐state analysis, design, and modeling of the controller for the TLHSC converter. The controller validates for the diverse load variations. The proposed converter for 500 W is validated on a laboratory test bed with a voltage conversion from 270 to 28 V for a 25 kHz switching frequency. The proposed TLHC demonstrates the remarkable capabilities of a three‐port converter with a high step‐down voltage ratio and reduced semiconductor stress compared to the existing converters. Various performance attributes like loss and efficiency determinations, switch stress analysis, and sensitivity have been investigated and reported. An empirical results presented and the comparative analysis presented for the proposed circuit with the recent converters in the literature entrust the superiority of the proposed converter, offering advantages such as high step‐down capability, minimal components, lower stress, reduced losses, and a simple circuit design for achieving a wide range of step‐down conversions.