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IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICSAbstract--This paper presents a detailed analysis and improved control strategy for Modular Multilevel Converters (MMC) under asymmetric arm inductance conditions. Unlike symmetric conditions, the fundamental ac current is not split equally between the upper and lower arms under asymmetric conditions, and the dc and double-frequency components in the common-mode current also flow into the ac side. To solve these issues, a theoretical analysis of the effect of asymmetric conditions on MMC operation is carried out using equivalent circuits at different frequencies. Three control targets are then presented to enhance the operational performance. A control strategy providing the control of differential-mode current, common-mode current and power balance is designed. The feasibility and validity of the proposed analysis and control strategy are demonstrated by simulation results from a threephase MMC system, and simulation and experimental results from a single-phase MMC system. Index Terms--Modular multilevel converter, differential-mode current, common-mode current, power balance, asymmetric conditions.
I. INTRODUCTION1 HE modular multilevel converter (MMC) has drawn attention due to its advantages of modular design, high efficiency and scalability, and excellent output waveforms with low harmonic distortion [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10].Due to the MMC's unique configuration, there are complex interactions involving different currents and voltages in the MMC, and extensive research has been conducted on the modeling and control strategy of the MMC [11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22]. The relationship between the arm current and capacitor voltage was analyzed in [11] and [12]. One of the special characteristics of the MMC is the common-mode current which usuall...