In recent years, the use of Pre-engineered buildings (PEB) has become more popular due to their important advantages over conventional steel structures (CSB) such as cost-effectiveness, faster construction, low maintenance, consistent span, reasonable earthquake resistance, the capability of offering column-free area, etc. This paper focuses on the analytical study of the structural behavior of a PEB provided with different types of bracings (viz. X, V, K, and diagonal) considering all the seismic zones (i.e., II, III, IV, and V) and medium type of soil. The analysis of a PEB of size 22m x 44m is done using Staad Pro software considering wind and seismic forces for determining the efficient type of bracing that will minimize the structural responses viz. displacement and natural time period. The results of the study indicate that the PEB provided with diagonal bracing reduces displacement and natural time period by 13% and 15.80% respectively when compared with the corresponding average values of displacement and natural time period of PEBs provided with X, V, and K types of bracings. The study concludes that the provision of diagonal bracing contributes to improving the performance of PEB in all the seismic zones.