Restrictions on maize importation by government in 2016 have resulted in limited stocks for livestock feed resources and stimulate an increase of maize prices in Indonesia. This will impact on the development of feed mill business as well as the sustainability of poultry industry in Indonesia. This study aims to analyse the demand of maize by feed mills during the Covid 19 pandemics and formulate the alternative strategies to support the development of maize industry in Indonesia. Total of 15 feed mills in Banten and East Java Province, Indonesia was interviewed to gather primary data as well as secondary data were applied related to maize purchasing, feed production, and strategies required to support feed mills business. The result found that purchasing of maize by feed mills in 2021 decreased by 2,2% from 2019, followed by decreasing feed production which reached about 3.4%. On the other hand, the price of maize has increased from IDR 4663 per kg to IDR 5873 in April 2022. This indicates that the availability of maize in the market diminished. To support the development of feed mill business, maize planting program is required to be continued supported by seeds innovation for dry land as well as infrastructure development to deal with water problem in majority maize development areas. Moreover, continue providing accurate data related to maize plantation and harvesting area as well as mapping the demand of maize for industry is also necessary. In addition, the procurements of alternative feed resources are also important to substitute maize in feed formula.