In parallel with the increased use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in recruitment processes, there is also an ongoingdiscussion on the dehumanisation in automated recruitment. On one hand AI-based recruitment has the potential toreduce human bias, on the other hand there are parts of the process that still need human judgement. Another concern isthat the identified dehumanisation could harm the relationship between employees and employers. Research indicatesthat AI-based technologies definitely have the potential to increase the efficiency of the recruitment process by replacinghumans in time-consuming tasks. Less research has been conducted on the human perceptions about AI-basedrecruitment. In a time when AI-based recruitment tools are used in a rapidly increasing number of companies andorganisations, it is important to better explore the human side of the process. Therefore, this paper investigates: Whatare the perceptions of the job candidate conditions in automatised and AI-based recruitment processes? This study wasconducted with a qualitative approach with data gathered from candidates and recruiters that all had experiences fromAI-based recruitment processes. Four candidates and two recruiters were chosen with the idea of a purposive sampling.Answers from six audio recorded semi-structured interviews were categorised in a deductive thematic analysis. Thetheoretic lens for the study was the Model of Applicant Reaction to Selection. Findings showed that the informants had anegative attitude towards the dehumanised recruitment process. The most obvious finding was the general critiquetowards the AI-based assessment of candidates' social skills. At the same time, the majority of the informants agreed thatAI-based recruitment tools have the potential to make time-consuming administrative tasks more efficient. Only oneinformant was willing to go through a completely AI-based recruitment process, and all informants pointed out differentways in which the recruitment tools need to be improved. The conclusion is that the AI-based recruitment tools must bemade more transparent and used as a support for decision-making rather than being the decision maker. Therecommendation is a hybrid solution, where AI-based tools are used to assist and create the basis for well-informedhuman decisions.