Nowadays, new trends in the industry of electricity generation are to enhance the power generation by employing distributed generation (DG) system which is mostly based on renewable generation sources such as wind, solar, etc. However, many power quality problems could arise on existing grid when DG is connected or the operation of distributed energy resources (DER) is not controlled properly. That's why, while integrating DG with the power grid, a seamless attention should be given to power generation and safe running of system. Several methods, having a diverse concept, have been divided into two main sets: linear and nonlinear controllers. The first group comes with PI controller and parameter feedback controller, and control by means of constant frequency with predictive techniques. The second group includes hysteresis current control and on-line optimization for predictive controllers. Additionally, new current control techniques with neural networks and fuzzy based controllers are also discussed. Selected methods associate the arrangement for the sake to demonstrate the described groups of the controller.