Weekly measurements of dissolved ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate for 22 months and organic nitrogen for 12 months were made in two hardwater lakes and seasonally in four other lakes representing a chemical and trophic spectrum in glaciated Michigan. Seston at 1 m depth was fractionated weekly for 14 months using 10 um Nitex netting in two lakes representing extremes of hardwater productivity.Net and nanno fractions were analyzed by micro-Kjeldahl digestion for organic nitrogen. Seasonal changes in all nitrogenous parameters were subsequently related to changes in fifteen other chemical and biological parameters assayed simultaneousl y.More than half of total sestonic pigments, algal cell volume, and organic nitrogen were present all year in the nannosestonic fraction in the unproductive and productive lake. These data supported the hypothesis that nannophytoplankton contain more nitrogen per unit cell volume than netphytoplankton.
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