energy of each pair, respectively, is 1 ϭ66 mJ, 2 ϭ 71 mJ, and ϭ 1 ϩ 2 ϭ 137 mJ; when two sets of electrode-pairs are triggered synchronously, the output energy is 0 ϭ 180 mJ. The relative energy increase can be worked out as R ϭ 0 Ϫ ϭ 31.4%, and the corresponding the theoretical value is 37.3% with T ϭ 0.2 and A ϭ 0.10.The theoretical value is in agreement with the experimental results.Comparing the experimental results of the above two examples with the respective theoretical values, shows that the experimental value is always a little lower than the theoretical value. Possible reasons are the nonuniform gas discharge in practical operation and the fact that the intracavity photons cannot operate fully in the very short pulse time.Experiments also showed that the output energy of the second electrode-pair set (B) 2 is also slightly higher than the output energy of the first electrode-pair set (A) 1 , and the output energy of the third electrode-pair set (C) 3 is also slightly higher than the output energy of the second electrode-pair set (B) 2 . This may be because under the condition of delay trigger, when the second set of electrode-pair begins to operate after the former pulse ends, there are still some photons present. This leads to the gain threshold condition of the later electrode-pair set being slightly better than that of the former electrode-pair set, thereby increasing the output energy.ABSTRACT: Design of a microstrip-line-feed slot-coupled cylindrical dielectric resonator antenna (DRA) for circular polarization (CP) is investigated experimentally. The occurrence of the two orthogonal neardegenerate resonant modes is mainly excited by a perturbed annular slot that is, a C-shaped slot. The CP resonant frequency can be adjusted by using different slot sizes. Experimental results of the proposed C-slot coupled DRA are presented and discussed.ABSTRACT: A new coplanar coupled waveguide (CCPW) with cylindrical shielding is analyzed with the use of conformal mapping, which can provide accurate and fast calculations. Closed-form expressions for odd-and even-mode capacitances per unit length and characteristic impedances are derived. Numerical results are provided. The accuracy of the closed-form expressions has been confirmed by comparison with results available in the literature for CCPW with planar and rectangular shielded structure.