The evaluation of Passive Autocatalytic Recombiners (PARs) performance has been foreseen from the EU stress tests in the frarnework of a complementary and comprehensive review of the safety of the Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs).The study presented in this work analyses the size,location and number of the PARs to minimise the risk arising from a hydrogen release and its distribution in the containment building dur ing a hypothetical severe accident A detailed 30 rnodel of a PWR KWU containment type was used for the simulations.The numerical tool is the GOTHIC 8.1 containrnent code, which can model certain aspects of the system geometry and beha viour in more detail than typically considered in containment performance analysis.The severe accident scenario chosen is a fast release of hydrogen steam mixture from hot leg creep rupture during SBO (Station Black Out) accident. In the first place, the hydrogen preferential pathways and points of hydrogen accumulation were studied and identified starting from the base case scenario without any mitigation measure. Secondly, a con figuration of PARs was simulated under the same conditions ofthe unmitigated case.The number of PARs considered is 40 units distributed all over the containrnent building. The PAR configuration offered an improvement in the chosen accidental scenario, decreasing the pos sibility of hydrogen combustion in all the containment compartrnents at the end of the transient The analyses showed that this PAR configuration could lead toa reduction between 30 45% of the final hydro gen concentration.The hydrogen combustion risk is decreased with final hydrogen concentration values below the flamrnability limit (hydrogen concentration below 7%). Nonetheless, the analysis showed the inability of the PARs to recombine in the early stage of the fast release (the first 1 2min in this sequence), due to their inertia and occurrence of oxygen starvation conditions.