Abstract-The electrocardiogram (ECG) will create the characteristic in the form of the wave's peak pattern. The first peak and the next one in one ECG wave have their own value and names, namely PQRST peaks. The process of feature extraction is very significant to determine the certain pattern. The use of feature extraction will be useful to help to detect certain case, including the determination of PQRST peaks according to the ECG print-out. This study makes a method to determine the ECG peaks (PQRST), the heart rate, and ST-deviation according to the ECG graphic image. The input data is in the form of ECG graphic image which is derived from the ECG 12 lead record. This study employs segmentation method (grayscale and binary), morphology (dilation and erosion), and produce the graphic image which is read as the ECG signal in the pre-processing stage, and use the Pan-Tompkins algorithm for the feature extraction method. The result of the peak determination is validated by cardiologists. The validation shows that the result of up and down deflection computation from the isoelectric of each P, Q, R, S, and T wave has represented the ECG calculation clinically; including the calculation to determine the R-R interval, heart rate, and STdeviation.