The compound helicopter design could potentially satisfy the new emerging requirements placed on the next generation of rotorcraft. The main benefit of the compound helicopter is its ability to reach speeds that significantly surpass the conventional helicopter. However, it is possible that the compound helicopter design can provide additional benefits in terms of maneuverability. The paper features a conventional helicopter and a compound helicopter. The conventional helicopter features a standard helicopter design with a main rotor providing the propulsive and lifting forces whereas a tail rotor, mounted at the rear of the aircraft, provides the yaw control. The compound helicopter configuration features both lift and thrust compounding. The wing offloads the main rotor at high speeds whereas two propellers provide additional axial thrust as well as yaw control. This study Presented at the 40th European Rotorcraft Forum, Southampton, U.K., September 2-5th, 2014. investigates the maneuverability of these two helicopter configurations using inverse simulation. The results predict that a compound helicopter configuration is capable of attaining greater load factors than its conventional counterpart, when flying a Pullup-Pushover maneuver. In terms of the AccelDecel maneuver, the compound helicopter configuration is able of completing the maneuver in a shorter time than the conventional helicopter, but at the expense of greater installed engine power.The addition of thrust compounding to the compound helicopter design reduces the pitch attitude required throughout the acceleration stage of the maneuver.