Inspired by the work of Fang et al. (1997), who propose an improved simulated annealing algorithm based on a variant of overdamped Langevin diffusion with state-dependent diffusion coefficient, we cast this idea in the kinetic setting and develop an improved kinetic simulated annealing (IKSA) method for minimizing a target function U . To analyze its convergence, we utilize the framework recently introduced by Monmarché (2018) for the case of kinetic simulated annealing (KSA). The core idea of IKSA rests on introducing a parameter c > inf U , which de facto modifies the optimization landscape and clips the critical height in IKSA at a maximum of c − inf U . Consequently IKSA enjoys improved convergence with faster logarithmic cooling than KSA. To tune the parameter c, we propose an adaptive method that we call IAKSA which utilizes the running minimum generated by the algorithm on the fly, thus avoiding the need to manually adjust c for better performance. We present positive numerical results on some standard global optimization benchmark functions that verify the improved convergence of IAKSA over other Langevin-based annealing methods.