The article is devoted to the generalization of psychological aspects of the service activities of police officers of cargo and mobile objects of the security police as one of the components of the National Police of Ukraine. On the basis of a large-scale experimental study with the participation of 280 police officers, psychological and some sociolegal aspects of police activities, individual characteristics of specialists in this field were identified. The article proves that the profession of police officer of cargo and mobile objects security orders makes high demands on the psychophysiological and individual psychological qualities of employees; he needs to have advanced cognitive processes. The profession makes certain demands on the individual psychological characteristics of police officers (level of intellectual abilities, degree of creativity and formation of thinking operations, in particular, induction and deduction, comparison, generalization, separation of the main. A police officer must be able to influence the opponent, be a good communicator, be responsible for their actions and accurately evaluate the actions of others, if necessary to convince citizens of their rightness, to be proactive, active, but legible in contacts. Important for the successful performance of official functions of the security police officer are also managerial, organizational and special abilities. The article also presents a list of individual characteristics that do not contribute to the success of official activities in the position of police officer of cargo and mobile objects security orders, the main of which are: insufficient strength and lability of nervous processes, low level of cognitive development processes (perception, attention, memory, thinking, insufficient level of intelligence; accentuation of character and temperament; negative character traits; low level of communication skills, etc.