The organizations productivity from innovative activities is increasing. They obtain high rates of their economic development. This issue is quite relevant for today. Innovative activity (IA) requires impressive costs. Therefore, there is a demand for the development of a method, evaluating the IA performance. To improve the IA effectiveness, the timely discovery and introduction of third-party enterprise development is of high importance. It seems that the assessment of the IA success contains a detailed review of the proposed innovations, their analysis and selection, which allows determining the attractiveness of innovations and identifying the possibilities for the enterprise to implement any innovative concept. Scientific and technical level of most companies is small, so there arises the difficulty of intensifying their IA. Federal target programs supporting civilian research and development activities (hereinafter referred to as R & D) are developed and implemented in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 26, 1995 No. 594 "On the Implementation of the Federal Law "On Product Supply" for federal state needs". One of the Federal Program target indicators is to attract extra budgetary sources of funding to the programs being implemented, the failure of which indicates the ineffectiveness of the mechanisms provided by the state programs for private business. Thus, the state position on the priority stimulation of economic sectors innovative development of is traced and the performance indicators of financial and economic mechanisms of innovative activity state stimulation are analyzed.