The "Washing Hands" is a Public Service Advertisement that provides knowledge to people to wash their hands with the correct water, not only rubbing their hands, but there are several steps that must be passed so that the hands become germfree. With the increase in knowledge of washing hands, it is hoped that the community can improve their quality of life and have an awareness of clean behaviour through hand washing. This campaign uses various advertising media, including: flyers, posters, animated videos; audio and social media (Twitter, Instagram and Facebook). The purpose of this study is to describe formalistically the flyer design of the "Wash hands with soap and running water" campaign which was designed by the Indonesian Ministry of Health. The three flyers Public Service Announcements "Wash hands with soap and running water" campaign which were designed by the Indonesian Ministry of Health have deficiency and excellence in each flyer. This study used qualitative research method to obtain the data from the flyers. Analytical descriptive approach is used to analyze the elements and design principles of the flyers. The third flyer has the highest score from the other two according to element and principle design theory. In the other hand it also has deficiency that becomes excellence from the other. Recommendation for developing design flyer of PSA "Wash hands with soap and running water" campaign is combining the excellence of the flyers and considering the elements and principles design theory.