[a] 1Introduction Plasma-propellant interaction had been widely studied to understand the plasma ignition mechanismo fp ropellants [1][2][3][4][5][6][7],a ugmentation burning rate phenomena [8],a nd physical processes [ 9],a nd to benefit the design of the plasma generator to ignite the charge system during the gun or combustion simulator [10].A lso, there are many demonstration tests [11,12] in the electrothermalc hemical gun (ETC) and achieved valuable results to proof the advantage of plasma ignition, such as shorter and reproducible ignitiond elay time, reducedt emperature sensitivity of the propellant, and the possibility of easily adjustingt he electricalp arameters, whichi nfluence the ignition of the combustion process.Althought he plasma ignition systemh as many advantages, it is still encounteredw ith many challenges for its application in the ETC gun. From the viewpoint of propellant charge design, the propellantsa ppropriate to be ignited by plasma playedacriticalr ole in the application of ETC gun systemb asedo nt he intensive academic and practical research and developmento fE TC gun. The matcht est on the plasma ignitionf or new kinds of propellants has to be investigated to boost the development of specific propellants appropriate to be ignited by plasma, which were difficult to be ignited by convention ignition methods.In gun propellant chemistry,nitrocellulose (NC) and nitroglycerine (NG) basedg un propellants are highly prone to accidental initiationa sar esult of externals timulus (fire, shock wave, and impact). In ordert or educe the risks, high energy insensitive propellants are an attractive alternative for conventional NC/NG based propellants. The plasticizer triethyleneglycol dinitrate (TEGDN) is added to the system to partially replace nitroglycerine (NG) to increase the force of double-basep ropellants and reduce the sensitivity to the external stimulus. This kind of propellant is denoted as TEGDN propellant in the context. Meanwhile, the use of energetic polymer binderi .e. energetic thermoplastic elastomers (ETPE)i ni ts formulation is regardeda sapractical method to formulate high energy insensitive propellants [13,14].Significant progress on the small-scale test grid related with combustion and energy release was madei nt he development of high energy and insensitive propellants including energetic thermoplastic elastomers (ETPE) [15].Previousw ork [10] focused on the match tests to validate the electrothermal chemical (ETC) gun applicationf or the emergingi nsensitive high energy propellants with high loading density in small-scale demonstration test. The match test on propellant loading parametersa nd plasma Abstract:I no rder to consider the potential influenceo fignition energy factors on the responseo fd ouble basep ropellants plasticized with triethyleneglycol dinitrate (TEGDN propellants), the influence of different ignition methods at the same magnitude of ignition energy level on the response of TEGDN propellants was investigated in an interrupted burning simulator.C om...