Parallel three-phase pulse with modulation (PWM) rectifiers with common sc and ac buses are widely used in power systems due to their many advantages such as flexibility, sinusoidal grid currents, lower switching frequency, and good reliability. However, this topology suffers from zero-sequence circulating current (ZSCC) generated by numerous reasons including filters inductors unbalanced, unequal dead time, and losses of synchronism between the control of each rectifier, which will distort the ac-side currents and increase power losses. This paper proposes both an adjusted space vector pulse width modulated (ASVPWM) method and proportional integral quasi resonant controller (PIQRC) method not only to force the ZSCC to be zero but also to reduce its ripples, which results in low frequency harmonic components in the ac side currents. This twofold objective can be achieved by adjusting the zero-vector duty ratios of ASVPWM to suppress the ZSCC and by using PIQRC to mitigate its predominant harmonics. Finally, the superiority and efficiency of the proposed control method in terms of ZSCC suppression and current ripple reduction are verified through comparative analysis with the conventional ZSCC-PI controller.