“… Study areas in different part of Ethiopia | Factors of adaptation strategies to climate change and variability | References |
Coffee-based farming system of Southwest Ethiopia | Age of household head, Access to climate information, Access extension services, Education level, farm size, income from coffee, and agro-ecological setting | [ 91 ] |
North-central Ethiopia (Woleka sub-basin) | Financial constraints, Lack of affordable technologies, Lack of knowledge, Limited access to early warning, Uncertainty about the future, Shortage of land and Scarcity of water | [ 92 ] |
Yabello District, Borana Zone, Oromia National Regional State, Ethiopia | Sex of household head, Education status of household head, Size of livestock holding, Market distance from homestead, Access to credit, Access to early warning information, Access to training, and Pastoral/agro-pastoral income | [ 93 ] |
Dabus watershed, North-West Ethiopia | Household size, Gender of household head, Size of cultivated land, Education, Farm experience, Non-farm income, Income from livestock, Climate information, Extension advice, Farm-home distance, and Number of parcels. | [ 94 ] |
Abobo and Itang District, Gambella, Ethiopia | Age, education, Farm income, Extension contact, Access to credit service, and Land holding size | [ 95 ] |
Central highlands of Ethiopia | Formal education, Lacked information Shortage of water for irrigation, and Shortage of money to buy necessary inputs, | [ 40 ] |
Eastern Tigray Regional State of Ethiopia | Age, Education, Livestock holding, Cooperatives membership, Extension services, Farmers income, Households perception, Distance to market, and agro-ecological setting | [ 96 ] |
Eastern Hararghe zone of Oromia of Ethiopia. | Gender of household head, Household size, Farm size, Distance from market, and Number of farm plots | [ 97 ] |