The heterogeneous nature of a complex network determines the roles of each node in the network that are quite different. Mechanisms of complex networks such as spreading dynamics, cascading reactions, and network synchronization are highly affected by a tiny fraction of so-called important nodes. Node importance ranking is thus of great theoretical and practical significance. Network entropy is usually utilized to characterize the amount of information encoded in the network structure and to measure the structural complexity at the graph level. We find that entropy can also serve as a local level metric to quantify node importance. We propose an entropic metric, Entropy Variation, defining the node importance as the variation of network entropy before and after its removal, according to the assumption that the removal of a more important node is likely to cause more structural variation. Like other state-of-the-art methods for ranking node importance, the proposed entropic metric is also used to utilize structural information, but at the systematical level, not the local level. Empirical investigations on real life networks, the Snake Idioms Network, and several other well-known networks, demonstrate the superiority of the proposed entropic metric, notably outperforming other centrality metrics in identifying the top-k most important nodes.Entropy 2017, 19, 303 2 of 17 ranking important nodes make use of the structural information [6]. For more details about the above mentioned centralities, we refer to [6,29].Structural complexity is perhaps the most important property of a complex network [1]. Network entropy is usually utilized to characterize the amount of information encoded in the network structure and to measure the structural complexity [30]. Recently, considerable effort has focused on quantifying network complexity using entropy measures [31], and several entropic metrics have been proposed; to name a few, network connectivity entropy [32], cyclic entropy [33], mapping entropy [34], hotspot entropy [35], Riemannian-geometric entropy [36], and q-entropy [37]. These measures have been shown to be extremely successful in quantifying the level of organization encoded in structural features of networks.As was mentioned before, we often resort to network structural information for ranking node importance, while entropy can serve as a fundamental tool to capture the structural information of complex networks. However, to the best of our knowledge, there are seldom entropic metrics developed to measure node importance. Two recent exceptions are the Relative Entropy [38] and Expected Force [39]. Relative entropy [38] is proposed as an integrated evaluation approach for node importance, which generates an optimal solution from different individual centrality indices by linear programming. Thus relative entropy serves not as a direct metric for node importance ranking, but a hybrid approach for synthesizing the existing ones. Expected Force [39] is a node property derived from local network topology to depict the ...