The 1H–13C CP MAS kinetic curves were
measured in glycine powder sample at the MAS rates of 7, 10, and 12
kHz. Each experimental curve contained up to 1000 equidistant points
over the whole contact time range of 10 μs - 10 ms. The CP kinetic
data for CH2 group, i.e., for the system containing adjacent 1H–13C spin pairs with a definite dominant
dipolar coupling can be described in the frame of the isotropic spin-diffusion
approach. The local order parameter ⟨S⟩
≈ 1.0, determined as the ratio of the measured dipolar 1H–13C coupling constant and the calculated
static dipolar coupling constant, is very close to the values deduced
in series of other amino acids. The strong narrow peaks observed in
the spin coupling spectrum at multiples of the MAS frequency can be
considered as the confirmation that the periodic quasi-equilibrium
state can appear also in the powder samples. The anisotropic spin-diffusion
approach improved by the introducing of the thermal equilibration
in the proton bath is the most proper model to describe the CP kinetics
in the system containing remote spins. Very realistic values of the
spin-cluster size (N) have been obtained without
any constraint on the flow of the nonlinear curve fitting. The finite
values of N ≤ 4 means that CP transfer is
located within one glycine molecule.