Lithium insertion into amorphous WO 3 films prepared by the electron beam evaporation technique was investigated by measurements of voltage-composition curve and chemical diffusion coefficient. The extraction of equilibrium and kinetic parameters allows the determination of the jump diffusion coefficient dependence on composition. In addition, first-principles calculations combining a pseudopotential plane wave scheme have been performed with the aim of providing a better understanding of the dependence of the potential barrier height for the hopping pathway with the insertion level for crystalline compounds. Our results predict a lowering of the barrier height for less doped systems and both experiments and simulations exhibit a relation of the type ⌬E ϰ ck B T ln x for the composition range x Ͻ 0.3. Amorphous insertion materials are potentially useful as electroactive electrodes for energy storage and smart devices such as electrochromic windows. The lack of a regular structure is believed to prevent irreversibility effects that usually occur during cycling in crystalline insertion oxides due to the inherent phase transitions. The amorphous morphology smoothly accommodates structural distortions derived from the guest insertion. These materials are characterized by a high degree of disorder, and correspondingly show rather distinct equilibrium and kinetics properties with respect to their crystalline counterparts. For instance, the insertion of Li into amorphous WO 3 shows a monotonic variation of the potential with the insertion level, x = n/N ͑molar fraction in Li x WO 3 ͒, where n and N are the number densities of inserted ions and W atoms, respectively. 1-3 These variations have been interpreted either considering distributions of site energies 2,4 or guest-host interaction mechanisms. 5,6 In addition, a strong dependence of the chemical diffusion coefficient on the composition is well documented for low and medium insertion levels, 1,7 although nearly constant values have been also reported. 8,9 The differences among the measured values of the chemical diffusion coefficient might reflect specific morphological features induced during the film preparation by each particular deposition technique. 10 It has been remarked 11 that amorphous Li x WO 3 electrodes exhibit excellent cycling characteristics for compositions up to x = 0.4.Recently, equilibrium and transport parameters have been successfully measured by electrochemical techniques in amorphous Li x WO 3 thin films 6,7 prepared by electron beam evaporation onto indium-tin oxide ͑ITO͒ substrates ͑for details see Ref. 3͒. The properties of the intrinsic ionic diffusivity as a function of the insertion level were obtained, as described below. In this work we evaluate the composition-dependence of the potential barrier height from first-principles theoretical simulations and compare it with the experimental results.When an ionic species diffuses in the material, the driving force for macroscopic diffusion is the gradient of the chemical potential . A thermo...