Abstract. Tropical storms are intense low pressure systems that form over warm tropical ocean 12 basins. Depending upon the intensity, they are classified as depressions, cyclones and severe 13 cyclones. Northern Indian Ocean (NIO) is highly prone to intense tropical storms and roughly 5-7 14 tropical storms are forming over this basin every year. Various Cyclogenesis indices are used to 15 forecast these tropical storms over various basins including NIO. In this aspect we propose a 16 revised Convective System Genesis Parameter (CSGP) to identify regions favourable for storm 17 genesis. The revised CSGP is constructed by using different combinations and thresholds of five 18 variables namely, the Low Level Relative Vorticity, the Low Level Convergence, the Shear co-19 efficient, the Convective Instability parameter and the Humidity parameter. The relative role of 20 each individual variable on CSGP is analysed separately for different categories of the storms over 21 both Arabian sea and Bay of Bengal. The composite structure of the CSGP for different categories 22 of the storms is further evaluated separately for distinct large scale background state. The results 23show that the revised CSGP is capable of distinguishing different categories of the storms. The 24 CSGP exhibits large variability during distinct large scale background state. It is also found that the 25 individual variables contribute in a different way during monsoon and non-monsoon seasons. The 26 revised CSGP can be used to forecast all categories of convective systems such as depressions, 27 cyclones and severe cyclones over NIO during the monsoon as well as non-monsoon seasons. 28 29 1
Introduction 30Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss., doi:10.5194/nhess-2016Discuss., doi:10.5194/nhess- -155, 2016 Manuscript under review for journal Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. further intensification of a tropical cyclone (Gray., 1968;Palmen., 1948; Gray et.al., 1975). 51
52Various authors have discussed that sea surface temperature and ocean thermal energy play 53 an important role in the formation and existence of the tropical cyclones. And it is observed that 54 tropical cyclones form over the warm oceanic regions where the sea surface temperature is higher 55 than 26°C Palmen (1948). The importance of thermal buoyancy from the surface to middle levels 56 for cumulonimbus convection has been discussed by (Palmen., 1948(Palmen., , 1957. Tropical cyclones 57 generally do not form near the equator, because it requires a minimum magnitude of Coriolis force 58 for its genesis. Studies and observations show that the frequency of cyclone genesis is more over 59 the regions where seasonal value of middle-level humidity is high. The process of initiation of 60 sustained low level circulation centre is called cyclogenesis. Gray., (1968) has discussed about the 61 relative roles of various air-sea interaction parameters for the initiation and intensification of the 62 tropical cyclones and found that, strong low-level relative vorticity and small vertical shea...